The Lowther Castle Visitor Maps
Project Background
A friend of Vanessa Lowther had seen my Howick Hall estate map and recommended me for the new Lowther Castle visitor maps. So I was asked to paint a summer and winter map, and then some trail maps for their seasonal childrens’ activities.
The enthusiasm and creativity of the Lowther team made this one of my most fun projects, though it did start with a very tough day navigating the area in the rain to try and get a basic map laid out. Then I got hopelessly lost driving home in the dark! But it did get better after that.
Several drafts later and with lots of input from the head gardener, the geography was right, and I could begin painting....I had been asked to create a timeless, almost fairytale feel, and I spent a while experimenting and looking at the work of Vanessa’s favourite illustrators and my own, including Edward Ardizzone who illustrated the “Stig of the Dump” books.
Here are the finished maps…
The maps were very well received (thank goodness!) and I continue to make illustrations for the Lowther estate from time to time. Follow-up projects include childrens’ trail maps, small Instagram animations and some illustrations for merchandising which are ongoing.