A Beautiful Pea Green Boat
Project Background
What better way to spend your weekends than scuba diving with seals off the Farnes? I had a call from a couple who do just that, and they have a fantastic RIB (rigid inflatable boat) called the Emerald Explorer.
So when lock-down started they decided to commission a painting to help them remember the good times. Longstone Lighthouse, Puffins, seals and boats are among my favourite subjects so I was very happy to say yes.
They emailed me some photos..
Then I began drawing, sending photos of each draft….
Rough sketch - how I always begin, just to make sure we are thinking along the same lines.
Pencil drawing - getting everything in place and a bit of a practise run for later.
Revisions to the Emerald. Somehow I had managed to shrink her! So I fixed it.
Once they were happy I added the ink…
….and then it was time for the paints (and the Jaffa Cakes) to come out….
I was looking forward to seeing how the red and white stripes of the lighthouse worked with the blue of the sky and the bright green of the Emerald Explorer. Also, the pink details on the wet suit of the diver in the water. Some pictures just seem to put themselves together!
There are still always tricky bits. Here are some details….
Puffins are adorable but very complicated! There are so many stripes of colour on their beaks, never mind their sad clown eyes, and each one only a couple of centimetres tall!
It was important to include the family spaniels which are never left behind. Also, boats are pretty technical and I needed to simplify the Emerald, yet still make it convincing. It’s a bit like being concise when writing, it’s easier to waffle on…
I wanted the Grey Seals to look golden with grey speckles, as though their coats were reflecting the sunshine. This would help them stand out from the blue background. It took several very pale grey washes over the yellow ochre base to get them looking not too gold but not too grey…
So here’s the finished painting…
The divers are very happy and I had a lot of fun painting their lovely boat. Also, imagining what it would be like sailing around Longstone and swimming with seals. I’m hoping I might even get to see the Emerald Explorer one day…